Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan is an Indian youth television series that aired on MTV India from 21 July 2014 to 31 December 2015. It is loosely based on the Korean drama, Boys Over Flowers and the former's adapted material, the Japanese shōjo manga, Hana Yori Dango.
The core of the show lies in highlighting the importance of friendship along with other relationships, be it romance, friendship, or familial relations. There lies an underlying mystery to the plot which binds the parallel story lines together. The show has gained immense popularity, in particular Manik and Nandini's love story, collectively known as Manan on social networking sites and has been considered a rage among the young audience. The show is split into two seasons, the first one focusing on how Love becomes important over Friendship in Manik's life through Nandini changing his life and FAB 5 equation. The Second season is more of a epilogue of the first, on how each person lives start to change and envolve.
Based on the manga called Hana Yori Dango or Boys Over Flowers, this show is the Indian drama adaptation.
Description courtesy TVMaze.com.